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Die Suche nach »orphan« hat 69 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 51 bis 60.
Collecting Antiquities - Statement of the Detroit Institute of Arts
http://www.dia.org/the_col lection/provenance_informa tion/index.asp Burial sites have been a focus for grave robbers as far back as ancient Egypt and such robbery continues today with illicit excavation... ...
KlausGraf - 2007/07/02 20:55
Helpful databases for "Orphan Works"
The University of Texas at Austin's Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center and the Reading University Library have created Firms Out of Business (FOB), an online database containing the names and addresses... ...
KlausGraf - 2007/06/17 00:44
Orphan works
http://www.nytimes.com/200 7/05/31/business/31scene.h tml?_r=1&oref=slogin Exce rpt: When some librarians at Carnegie Mellon University tried to request permissions to digitize a collection of out-of-print... ...
KlausGraf - 2007/06/02 21:38
The writer as a writer has but one heir - the public domain (Victor Hugo)
http://www.guardian.co.uk/ international/story/0,,200 2303,00.html Heir of Victor Hugo fails to stop Les Mis II The case set French copyright laws, which put a literary work in the public domain 70 years... ...
KlausGraf - 2007/02/24 14:38
Orphan works appeal rejected
http://blog.librarylaw.com /librarylaw/2007/01/bad_ne ws_for_or.html ...
KlausGraf - 2007/01/23 02:11
US: Orphan works bill introduced
http://www.boingboing.net/ 2006/05/23/orphan_works_bi ll_in.html Texas Rep Lamar Smith has introduced a bill to clear the way for the re-use of "orphan works" whose authors are unknown or unlocatable. [...] "For... ...
KlausGraf - 2006/05/24 23:28
Orphan Works
http://www.nytimes.com/200 6/05/14/magazine/14publish ing.html?_r=1&pagewanted=p rint&oref=slogin In the world of books, the indefinite extension of copyright has had a perverse effect. It has created... ...
KlausGraf - 2006/05/18 01:00
UK National Archives: Statement on Orphan Works
4. Is the issue of orphan material economically important and relevant in practice? If yes, what technical, organisational and legal mechanisms could be used to facilitate wider use of this material? Orphan... ...
KlausGraf - 2006/03/23 05:53
Orphan Works in Europe - Results of the Online Consultation
http://europa.eu.int/infor mation_society/activities/ digital_libraries/doc/comm unication/results_of_onlin e_consultation_en.pdf 4.4 ) Is the issue of orphan material economically important and relevant in... ...
KlausGraf - 2006/03/23 02:28
US: Copyright Reforms proposed
Building Universal Digital Libraries: An Agenda for Copyright Reform HANNIBAL TRAVIS Florida International University - College of Law August 25, 2005 Abstract: This article proposes a series... ...
KlausGraf - 2006/03/17 00:14