oder auch zum Angebot, im Google Books Help Forum gesperrte Bücher in Google Book Search melden zu können
(siehe )
It's a waste of time to post requests here. I just
spent an hour or so checking every single URL that's been posted to this
forum. Out of the many dozens of requests that have been made, no more
than five or six have been acted on. Every once in a while some Google
employee pops in here and assures us that our requests are being
"escalated" or "forwarded to the experts"--although they haven't even
bothered to do that for almost two months now. But even when they do
deign to acknowledge our existence, in the overwhelming
majority of cases nothing happens.
oder auch zum Angebot, im Google Books Help Forum gesperrte Bücher in Google Book Search melden zu können
(siehe )
It's a waste of time to post requests here. I just
spent an hour or so checking every single URL that's been posted to this
forum. Out of the many dozens of requests that have been made, no more
than five or six have been acted on. Every once in a while some Google
employee pops in here and assures us that our requests are being
"escalated" or "forwarded to the experts"--although they haven't even
bothered to do that for almost two months now. But even when they do
deign to acknowledge our existence, in the overwhelming
majority of cases nothing happens.