Nicht verkauft wurde Schøyen MSS 1816-1832/7, eine Sammlung von Handschriftenfragmenten aus dem Besitz von Bernhard Bischoff. Es ist abscheulich, dass dieser berühmte Paläograph keine Vorsorge getroffen hat, dass diese Stücke, die er für Lehrzwecke erhielt - "Antiquariat Wöfle, Munich, given to Bernhard Bischoff (1906-91), for his teaching collection." - an die öffentliche Hand gelangten.
Lot 25
Gregory the Great, Moralia in Job, in Latin, in Rhaetian minuscule, decorated manuscript on vellum [Switzerland (perhaps Chur), late eighth or early ninth century]
Estimate: 20,000 - 30,000 GBP
LOT SOLD. 22,500 GBP
"Examples of the script are of extreme rarity: only 9 manuscripts and 15 fragments are recorded by Codices Latini Antiquiores VII and VIII (all but one fragment in institutional ownership). To these should be added the tiny fragments from a commentary on Matthew, c.800, now Schøyen MS 1764, and the handful of leaves and fragments from a liturgical manuscript of c.800 in a hand showing influences of Rhaetian minuscule, recovered from a Donaueschingen binding (Quaritch, Bookhands VIII, cat.1348, no.62) and now in two private collections."
Nicht verkauft wurde Schøyen MSS 1816-1832/7, eine Sammlung von Handschriftenfragmenten aus dem Besitz von Bernhard Bischoff. Es ist abscheulich, dass dieser berühmte Paläograph keine Vorsorge getroffen hat, dass diese Stücke, die er für Lehrzwecke erhielt - "Antiquariat Wöfle, Munich, given to Bernhard Bischoff (1906-91), for his teaching collection." - an die öffentliche Hand gelangten.
Lot 25
Gregory the Great, Moralia in Job, in Latin, in Rhaetian minuscule, decorated manuscript on vellum [Switzerland (perhaps Chur), late eighth or early ninth century]
Estimate: 20,000 - 30,000 GBP
LOT SOLD. 22,500 GBP
"Examples of the script are of extreme rarity: only 9 manuscripts and 15 fragments are recorded by Codices Latini Antiquiores VII and VIII (all but one fragment in institutional ownership). To these should be added the tiny fragments from a commentary on Matthew, c.800, now Schøyen MS 1764, and the handful of leaves and fragments from a liturgical manuscript of c.800 in a hand showing influences of Rhaetian minuscule, recovered from a Donaueschingen binding (Quaritch, Bookhands VIII, cat.1348, no.62) and now in two private collections."
KlausGraf - am Freitag, 13. Juli 2012, 15:09 - Rubrik: Kodikologie