Keine gute Nachricht für das wissenschaftliche Suchen.
Update: Elsevier lässt SCIRUS fallen. Die Begründung aus INETBIB: "We realize that this decision may disappoint you. The reality is that Scirus has lost its competitive edge to other platforms and services. Rather than attempt to catch up, Elsevier has instead made the difficult decision to retire Scirus and redirect even more attention to the continuous improvement of our core products. Our company fully expects that these efforts will yield more impact and therefore be of greater benefit to our customers and their research communities, allowing us to serve our content partners more effectively.
Effectively immediately, Elsevier has stopped adding new content sources for indexing on Scirus and we are no longer adding or supporting any new Open URL library partners."
Update: Elsevier lässt SCIRUS fallen. Die Begründung aus INETBIB: "We realize that this decision may disappoint you. The reality is that Scirus has lost its competitive edge to other platforms and services. Rather than attempt to catch up, Elsevier has instead made the difficult decision to retire Scirus and redirect even more attention to the continuous improvement of our core products. Our company fully expects that these efforts will yield more impact and therefore be of greater benefit to our customers and their research communities, allowing us to serve our content partners more effectively.
Effectively immediately, Elsevier has stopped adding new content sources for indexing on Scirus and we are no longer adding or supporting any new Open URL library partners."
Norbert Einsporn (Gast) meinte am 2013/10/01 19:17:
In Memoriam Elsevier Scirus
Wirklich ein Jammer ! Scirus war in vielerlei Hinsicht besser als Google Scholar, vor allem weil die Quellenbasis ordentlich dokumentiert war und viele hervorragende Open-Access-Quellen einbezogen wurden, die man bei der Suche sauber selektieren konnte.Überdies gab es Hyperlinks zu den eigenen Plattformen der Herausgeber.
Die Suchfunktionalität selbst (auf der Basis von FAST Search & Transfer) und die Oberflächen waren für die Ansprüche bei der Recherche nach wissenschaftlicher Literatur vorbildlich ausgestattet.
Es wäre schön, wenn sich die Entwickler eigener Suchdienste für wissenschaftliche Literatur im Web davon ein bisschen was abgucken, bevor die Website endgültig abgeschaltet wird (laut Elsevier Scirus "in early 2014").