I do not have a Connotea account - I tagged Open Access developments in Delicious and was content with this choice. I think my collection of 40+ links on the advantages of Open Access for monographs (supporting sales) is unique:
Like the OAD Wiki for OA related lists the colloborative bookmarking project Suber has started now is a step in the right (Web 2.0) direction.
Delicious has much more "impact" outside the scholarly world. It would be nice if a service could be established that weblinks with a certain tag (e.g. in Delicious would also saved at Connotea (and vice versa).
Unfortunately, Suber's "Open Access News" has only ONE tag, i.e.. "hot". Finding earlyer blog entries with Google's full text search seems easy only for the Suber/Baker team. Tagging the single blog entries would bring more precision. Thus it would be helpful all OAN entries would also be tagged at Connotea.
The new project has a clear advantage for the non-English OA community. Suber does a great and excellent work but there is a bulk of new developments or other news (like the German Reuß/OA debate with a lot of statements) outside the English speaking world he isn't able to blog (due information overflow or language reasons). I would think there are some German people who are willing to tag German OA news. This could be no substitution for Suber's amazing summaries/excerpts and his lucid commentaries I admire every day but may be it could become a German OA "news chronicle" which lacks until now. Neither Open nor Archivalia can do this job.
I do not use Zotero until now but I think it would be a good idea to connect the tracking project with Zotero. (it could he helpful to establish a tag for formal categories like blog entry or peer reviewed publikation on OA).
In short: This is not only "hot" (Suber's tag) but also a "big" opportunity. Good luck!
I do not have a Connotea account - I tagged Open Access developments in Delicious and was content with this choice. I think my collection of 40+ links on the advantages of Open Access for monographs (supporting sales) is unique:
Like the OAD Wiki for OA related lists the colloborative bookmarking project Suber has started now is a step in the right (Web 2.0) direction.
Delicious has much more "impact" outside the scholarly world. It would be nice if a service could be established that weblinks with a certain tag (e.g. in Delicious would also saved at Connotea (and vice versa).
Unfortunately, Suber's "Open Access News" has only ONE tag, i.e.. "hot". Finding earlyer blog entries with Google's full text search seems easy only for the Suber/Baker team. Tagging the single blog entries would bring more precision. Thus it would be helpful all OAN entries would also be tagged at Connotea.
The new project has a clear advantage for the non-English OA community. Suber does a great and excellent work but there is a bulk of new developments or other news (like the German Reuß/OA debate with a lot of statements) outside the English speaking world he isn't able to blog (due information overflow or language reasons). I would think there are some German people who are willing to tag German OA news. This could be no substitution for Suber's amazing summaries/excerpts and his lucid commentaries I admire every day but may be it could become a German OA "news chronicle" which lacks until now. Neither Open nor Archivalia can do this job.
I do not use Zotero until now but I think it would be a good idea to connect the tracking project with Zotero. (it could he helpful to establish a tag for formal categories like blog entry or peer reviewed publikation on OA).
In short: This is not only "hot" (Suber's tag) but also a "big" opportunity. Good luck!
KlausGraf - am Freitag, 17. April 2009, 00:10 - Rubrik: English Corner