"Wenig später gab Redtube seinen Erfolg per Pressemitteilung bekannt: Demnach ist es The Archive AG durch die einstweilige Verfügung von nun an untersagt, Abmahnschreiben an Nutzer der Internetplattform Redtube zu versenden, in denen behauptet wird, dass Nutzer das Urheberrecht von The Archive AG verletzt haben. Dies gilt laut Redtube für alle Videos, an denen die Firma The Archive AG Urheberrechte geltend macht."
Wie schon bei früheren Statements ist es merkwürdig, dass Redtube anscheinend sehr sparsam ist, was den Verteiler seiner Pressemitteilungen angeht. Die von mir konsultierten deutschsprachigen Pressemeldungen zur Hamburger Entscheidung beziehen sich bisher ausschließlich auf diese einzige FR-Meldung. Allerdings gelang es mir, eine englischsprachige Notiz zu finden, deren Autor angibt, dass Redtube ihm ein Statement gemailt habe.
David Meyer war so liebenswürdig, es mir zur Verfügung zu stellen. Ich dokumentiere das also hier EXKLUSIV:
RedTube Wins Major Legal Victory against The Archive AG
December 20, 2013 – Luxembourg – The District Court of Hamburg has granted an injunction in reaction to Cease and Desist letters sent to RedTube users by law firm Urmann +Collegen on behalf of the Archive AG. RedTube, the leading provider of adult content filed an injunction earlier this week to prevent further harassing RedTube users with threatening Cease and Desist letters and alleging copyright infringement.
As ruled by the court, The Archive AG is no longer allowed to send out warning letters to Redtube users claiming that the users violated the copyright of The Archive AG – not only with regard to the videos mentioned by Urmann + Collegen in the warning letters, but in regards to any specific videos. The claims by the Archive AG have been deemed unfounded and users of streaming websites, including RedTube, are once again free to access and enjoy videos with peace of mind.
RedTube had asserted from the start that these allegations were a thinly disguised attempt to extort money from it users. The judge today agreed that users of the site had no reason whatsoever to believe that Redtube offers digital content that stems from unlawful sources. The Company also stresses that at no time had it divulged any user information, including, but not limited to, IP addresses, to third parties.
RedTube users, at the center of the issue that has drawn much media attention, were targeted by the law firm Urmann + Collegen. The firm sent thousands of RedTube users Cease and Desist letters and fines of up to €250.00. According to several press reports, people who received warning letters have filed criminal complaints against the sender.
RedTube Vice President, Alex Taylor, welcomes the ruling. “It is deplorable that our users were targeted in such an underhanded and malicious manner. Copyright protection is a critical issue and we are overjoyed that German citizens can once again surf the internet without threat of legal penalty. This ruling is a victory not just for RedTube users, but for anyone who accesses a streaming website. It sends a clear message that the exploitation of personal information and the violation of privacy for financial gain will not be tolerated.”
For more information contact:
About RedTube
RedTube is an ad-supported adult video streaming website that allows users from around the world to watch professional and amateur pornographic videos. Created in 2006, RedTube’s popularity has grown to welcome an audience of 25 million people a day and ranks as the 105th most popular website worldwide, according to Alexa.
Das sind die deutschen Rechtsanwälte: Ziehen gern Abmahnopfern das Fell über die Ohren. Sicher kein Einzelfall, was der "Express" berichtet: Christian hat drei Abmahnungen erhalten, obwohl er die Pornos nicht geguckt hat und durfte seinem Rechtsanwalt, der die Ansprüche zurückgewiesen hat, rund 670 Euro zahlen:,4620958,25671154.html
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Manwin ist die Luxemburger Betreibergesellschaft von Redtube
"Wenig später gab Redtube seinen Erfolg per Pressemitteilung bekannt: Demnach ist es The Archive AG durch die einstweilige Verfügung von nun an untersagt, Abmahnschreiben an Nutzer der Internetplattform Redtube zu versenden, in denen behauptet wird, dass Nutzer das Urheberrecht von The Archive AG verletzt haben. Dies gilt laut Redtube für alle Videos, an denen die Firma The Archive AG Urheberrechte geltend macht."
Wie schon bei früheren Statements ist es merkwürdig, dass Redtube anscheinend sehr sparsam ist, was den Verteiler seiner Pressemitteilungen angeht. Die von mir konsultierten deutschsprachigen Pressemeldungen zur Hamburger Entscheidung beziehen sich bisher ausschließlich auf diese einzige FR-Meldung. Allerdings gelang es mir, eine englischsprachige Notiz zu finden, deren Autor angibt, dass Redtube ihm ein Statement gemailt habe.
David Meyer war so liebenswürdig, es mir zur Verfügung zu stellen. Ich dokumentiere das also hier EXKLUSIV:
RedTube Wins Major Legal Victory against The Archive AG
December 20, 2013 – Luxembourg – The District Court of Hamburg has granted an injunction in reaction to Cease and Desist letters sent to RedTube users by law firm Urmann +Collegen on behalf of the Archive AG. RedTube, the leading provider of adult content filed an injunction earlier this week to prevent further harassing RedTube users with threatening Cease and Desist letters and alleging copyright infringement.
As ruled by the court, The Archive AG is no longer allowed to send out warning letters to Redtube users claiming that the users violated the copyright of The Archive AG – not only with regard to the videos mentioned by Urmann + Collegen in the warning letters, but in regards to any specific videos. The claims by the Archive AG have been deemed unfounded and users of streaming websites, including RedTube, are once again free to access and enjoy videos with peace of mind.
RedTube had asserted from the start that these allegations were a thinly disguised attempt to extort money from it users. The judge today agreed that users of the site had no reason whatsoever to believe that Redtube offers digital content that stems from unlawful sources. The Company also stresses that at no time had it divulged any user information, including, but not limited to, IP addresses, to third parties.
RedTube users, at the center of the issue that has drawn much media attention, were targeted by the law firm Urmann + Collegen. The firm sent thousands of RedTube users Cease and Desist letters and fines of up to €250.00. According to several press reports, people who received warning letters have filed criminal complaints against the sender.
RedTube Vice President, Alex Taylor, welcomes the ruling. “It is deplorable that our users were targeted in such an underhanded and malicious manner. Copyright protection is a critical issue and we are overjoyed that German citizens can once again surf the internet without threat of legal penalty. This ruling is a victory not just for RedTube users, but for anyone who accesses a streaming website. It sends a clear message that the exploitation of personal information and the violation of privacy for financial gain will not be tolerated.”
For more information contact:
About RedTube
RedTube is an ad-supported adult video streaming website that allows users from around the world to watch professional and amateur pornographic videos. Created in 2006, RedTube’s popularity has grown to welcome an audience of 25 million people a day and ranks as the 105th most popular website worldwide, according to Alexa.
Das sind die deutschen Rechtsanwälte: Ziehen gern Abmahnopfern das Fell über die Ohren. Sicher kein Einzelfall, was der "Express" berichtet: Christian hat drei Abmahnungen erhalten, obwohl er die Pornos nicht geguckt hat und durfte seinem Rechtsanwalt, der die Ansprüche zurückgewiesen hat, rund 670 Euro zahlen:,4620958,25671154.html
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KlausGraf - am Samstag, 21. Dezember 2013, 17:49 - Rubrik: Archivrecht