Zugangsmöglichkeiten erklärt:
Den dicken fetten Haken, der im Widerspruch zu dem vollmundigen Public-Domain-Blabla beim Katalog der illuminierten Manuskripte im gleichen Haus
steht, darf ich besonders hervorheben:
The Digitised Manuscripts viewer does not facilitate the download of images. Each image is formed of multiple tiles, which, whilst ensuring the excellent zoom facility, cannot be saved as a single file. The content in the Digitised Manuscripts viewer is intended for research and study purposes only. More information on the reuse of images can be found here: http://www.bl.uk/copyrightstatement.html.

Den dicken fetten Haken, der im Widerspruch zu dem vollmundigen Public-Domain-Blabla beim Katalog der illuminierten Manuskripte im gleichen Haus
steht, darf ich besonders hervorheben:
The Digitised Manuscripts viewer does not facilitate the download of images. Each image is formed of multiple tiles, which, whilst ensuring the excellent zoom facility, cannot be saved as a single file. The content in the Digitised Manuscripts viewer is intended for research and study purposes only. More information on the reuse of images can be found here: http://www.bl.uk/copyrightstatement.html.

KlausGraf - am Samstag, 26. September 2015, 15:22 - Rubrik: Kodikologie