Auszüge aus den drei "Jeremiaden":
[T]he escalation in the price of periodicals forces libraries to cut back on their purchase of monographs; the drop in the demand for monographs makes university presses reduce their publication of them; and the difficulty in getting them published creates barriers to careers among graduate students. [...]
If the monopolies of price-gouging publishers are to be broken, we need more than open-access repositories. We need open-access journals that will be self-sustaining. [...]
Would a Digital Public Library of America solve all the other problems—the inflation of journal prices, the economics of scholarly publishing, the unbalanced budgets of libraries, and the barriers to the careers of young scholars? No. Instead, it would open the way to a general transformation of the landscape in what we now call the information society. Rather than better business plans (not that they don’t matter), we need a new ecology, one based on the public good instead of private gain.
Siehe auch
Hier wird zurecht darauf verwiesen, dass eine nationale digitale Bibliothek angesichts des globalen Internets alles andere als eine zukunftsweisende Lösung ist.
Auszüge aus den drei "Jeremiaden":
[T]he escalation in the price of periodicals forces libraries to cut back on their purchase of monographs; the drop in the demand for monographs makes university presses reduce their publication of them; and the difficulty in getting them published creates barriers to careers among graduate students. [...]
If the monopolies of price-gouging publishers are to be broken, we need more than open-access repositories. We need open-access journals that will be self-sustaining. [...]
Would a Digital Public Library of America solve all the other problems—the inflation of journal prices, the economics of scholarly publishing, the unbalanced budgets of libraries, and the barriers to the careers of young scholars? No. Instead, it would open the way to a general transformation of the landscape in what we now call the information society. Rather than better business plans (not that they don’t matter), we need a new ecology, one based on the public good instead of private gain.
Siehe auch
Hier wird zurecht darauf verwiesen, dass eine nationale digitale Bibliothek angesichts des globalen Internets alles andere als eine zukunftsweisende Lösung ist.
KlausGraf - am Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2010, 02:45 - Rubrik: Open Access