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I have searched the "Cambridge Tribune" (Maryland): "We found 37 hits for hitler on 21 pages between 1/1/1937 and 12/31/1942." Either the search is bad or the German politician was not estimated very important in Maryland ...
The Cambridge newspapers have used their columns mainly for the discussion of domestic matters. The churches, the university, the schools, the proceedings of the City Council, and the development of local industries, have engaged their attention rather than the consideration of larger national affairs.
‘The Cambridge Tribune’ was founded in 1878 by Mr. D. Gilbert Dexter, the first issue appearing on March 7 of that year. Our local papers, the ‘Chronicle’ and ‘Press,’ were both published at Cambridgeport. The ‘Tribune’ was the first newspaper especially identified with Old Cambridge, and it has continued to occupy its chosen field without competition, proving both the wise judgment displayed in selecting its home, and also that it has satisfactorily filled the field.
Among the contributors to the ‘Tribune’ during the past eighteen years are numbered the poets Longfellow, Lowell, and Holmes, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, William Winter, Rev. Drs. A. P. Peabody, Alexander McKenzie, and Edward Abbott, Rt. Rev. William Lawrence, D. D., Andrew MacFarland Davis, Professors Charles Eliot Norton, William James, and Albert B. Hart, Arthur Gilman, Caroline F. Orne, Charlotte Fiske Bates, and scores of others almost as well known.
... I know of no guy named Hitler. But looking into the future, a 14 yr old lad from the Roosevelt family appears to come to grips with him ... took frequent trips to Bad Nauheim the past years, by the way. -- Don't you think that we've paid enough attention to this Hitler if we even hit F.D.R. only 78 times on 47 pages?
Stanhope Hill, Editor of The Cambridge TribuneCambridge, 1896.