Help us make decisions for our future!
Please take 10 minutes to complete the survey on Digital Scriptorium,
available at:
The Digital Scriptorium is an image database of medieval and Renaissance
manuscripts that unites scattered resources from many institutions into an
single tool for teaching and scholarly research.
With the completion of the present NEH grant (funding ends 30 June 2007),
and on its 10th birthday, DS will contain the records of the medieval and
Renaissance holdings of some 30 libraries across the United States; the
number of records will stand at ca. 5000, and the images at approx.
25,000. This grant has brought the technology home of DS from one of its
two founding members (the Bancroft Library at the University of
California, Berkeley) to the other founding member (the Rare Book and
Manuscript Library of Columbia University). The move was accompanied by
intense work on the search engine and corresponding sea changes in
flexibility and specificity of searching and in display of the results.
So help us see what's been good, and what needs to be better, and how to
move ahead in our second ten years! Please take the survey; we're
grateful for the assembled assistance of ExLibris subscribers, who know
the rare book field from so many different points of view.
With thanks,
Consuelo Dutschke
Managing Director, Digital Scriptorium
Curator, Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University
535 W. 114th Street, New York NY 10027 USA
From EXLIBRIS list
My suggestions:
1. Complete manuscripts should be digitized!
2. Stop COPYFRAUD and respect the Public Domain!
Breslauer Urkunde 1417
Please take 10 minutes to complete the survey on Digital Scriptorium,
available at:
The Digital Scriptorium is an image database of medieval and Renaissance
manuscripts that unites scattered resources from many institutions into an
single tool for teaching and scholarly research.
With the completion of the present NEH grant (funding ends 30 June 2007),
and on its 10th birthday, DS will contain the records of the medieval and
Renaissance holdings of some 30 libraries across the United States; the
number of records will stand at ca. 5000, and the images at approx.
25,000. This grant has brought the technology home of DS from one of its
two founding members (the Bancroft Library at the University of
California, Berkeley) to the other founding member (the Rare Book and
Manuscript Library of Columbia University). The move was accompanied by
intense work on the search engine and corresponding sea changes in
flexibility and specificity of searching and in display of the results.
So help us see what's been good, and what needs to be better, and how to
move ahead in our second ten years! Please take the survey; we're
grateful for the assembled assistance of ExLibris subscribers, who know
the rare book field from so many different points of view.
With thanks,
Consuelo Dutschke
Managing Director, Digital Scriptorium
Curator, Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University
535 W. 114th Street, New York NY 10027 USA
From EXLIBRIS list
My suggestions:
1. Complete manuscripts should be digitized!
2. Stop COPYFRAUD and respect the Public Domain!
KlausGraf - am Montag, 2. April 2007, 01:50 - Rubrik: English Corner