"Collection of 103 diverse documents, dated 1472 to 1714, related to the government of the Markgrafschaft (margraviate) of Brandenburg, mostly in the form of undated transcriptions. Included is one document that appears to be an original, dated 1644 and showing the remnants of a red wax seal (p. 552); and others from the late seventeenth century that might be contemporary copies (one dated 1664 with fold lines and a handwritten label, p. 916). The majority of the documents were issued by or in the name of the reigning ruler, the Markgraf (margrave) of Brandenburg, who was also a prince-elector (Kurfürst) within the Holy Roman Empire. Documents are included from the following 8 rulers: Albrecht, Joachim I, Joachim II, Johann Georg, Joachim Friedrich, Johann Sigismund, Friedrich Wilhelm, and Friedrich III (known as Friedrich I, King of Prussia, after 1701). Main genres of documents include parliamentary agreements (Landtags Recesse); edicts, proclamations, or decrees from the ruler (Rescripti; Ausschreiben); resolutions issued by the supreme court (Cammergericht); and regulations (Policeij Ordnungen; Verordnungen). Included are attestations or opinions (Urtheile; Responsi) issued by the law faculties (juristische Fakultäten) of the universities of Rostock, Frankfurt an der Oder, Helmstedt, and Halle. The documents relate to diverse issues, including the restructuring of the supreme court; matters of general communal well-being (gemeinen Nutz; weights and measures, game, salaries of servants and laborers, public lands); the granting of privileges; coinage (Münze); usury; guilds; inheritance; marriage of Jews; contracts; public finance; duties; and church property. The volume includes a table of contents (pp. [v-xii])."
"Collection of 103 diverse documents, dated 1472 to 1714, related to the government of the Markgrafschaft (margraviate) of Brandenburg, mostly in the form of undated transcriptions. Included is one document that appears to be an original, dated 1644 and showing the remnants of a red wax seal (p. 552); and others from the late seventeenth century that might be contemporary copies (one dated 1664 with fold lines and a handwritten label, p. 916). The majority of the documents were issued by or in the name of the reigning ruler, the Markgraf (margrave) of Brandenburg, who was also a prince-elector (Kurfürst) within the Holy Roman Empire. Documents are included from the following 8 rulers: Albrecht, Joachim I, Joachim II, Johann Georg, Joachim Friedrich, Johann Sigismund, Friedrich Wilhelm, and Friedrich III (known as Friedrich I, King of Prussia, after 1701). Main genres of documents include parliamentary agreements (Landtags Recesse); edicts, proclamations, or decrees from the ruler (Rescripti; Ausschreiben); resolutions issued by the supreme court (Cammergericht); and regulations (Policeij Ordnungen; Verordnungen). Included are attestations or opinions (Urtheile; Responsi) issued by the law faculties (juristische Fakultäten) of the universities of Rostock, Frankfurt an der Oder, Helmstedt, and Halle. The documents relate to diverse issues, including the restructuring of the supreme court; matters of general communal well-being (gemeinen Nutz; weights and measures, game, salaries of servants and laborers, public lands); the granting of privileges; coinage (Münze); usury; guilds; inheritance; marriage of Jews; contracts; public finance; duties; and church property. The volume includes a table of contents (pp. [v-xii])."
KlausGraf - am Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2013, 17:57 - Rubrik: Kodikologie