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Der Beitrag der BBC enthält eine nicht uninteressante Information, und zwar die Aussage des in der Causa ermittelnden Major Coppola:
"Five-hundred books went to a German auction house, which gave the thieves a million euros (£840,000 or $1.4m) in advance for the batch. They would have received more cash if the sale had gone through. This was only one load of the books," says the police chief. "So you can imagine how much money they could have made from this looting if we and the courts hadn't stopped it."
Some could have been sold for hundreds of thousands of euros, some for tens of thousands, so a reasonable overall guesstimate, he suggests, may be in the tens of millions of euros.
Es gab also nach italienischen Erkenntnissen mehrere Lieferungen gestohlenen Kulturguts an ein Antiquariat, und zwar große. Siehe auch: Causa Stralsund, bei der eine Großlieferung ebenfalls bei einem (anderen) Antiquariat in Deutschland landete:
dabei z. B.:
Stempel der Biblioteca dei Girolamini, Neapel
Siehe auch:
Der Beitrag der BBC enthält eine nicht uninteressante Information, und zwar die Aussage des in der Causa ermittelnden Major Coppola:
"Five-hundred books went to a German auction house, which gave the thieves a million euros (£840,000 or $1.4m) in advance for the batch. They would have received more cash if the sale had gone through. This was only one load of the books," says the police chief. "So you can imagine how much money they could have made from this looting if we and the courts hadn't stopped it."
Some could have been sold for hundreds of thousands of euros, some for tens of thousands, so a reasonable overall guesstimate, he suggests, may be in the tens of millions of euros.
Es gab also nach italienischen Erkenntnissen mehrere Lieferungen gestohlenen Kulturguts an ein Antiquariat, und zwar große. Siehe auch: Causa Stralsund, bei der eine Großlieferung ebenfalls bei einem (anderen) Antiquariat in Deutschland landete:
dabei z. B.:

Stempel der Biblioteca dei Girolamini, Neapel