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Für 128.500 Dollar ging Lot 310 von Sale 2178 ("Splendid Ceremonies the Paul and Marianne Gourary Collection of Illustrated Fête Books", New York 12. Juni 2009) an die Getty Research Library

Title: Schembard Büch [manuscript].
Variant Title: Schembart Buch
Publication Information: [16th cent.]
Description: 72 leaves, bound : ill. (watercolors) ; 22 cm.
Notes: "Schembard Büch darine / ... vom 1449 biβ Jar aus biβ / auff das 1539 Jar .."--title leaf.
Leaves 2r-4r: historical account of the civic festival of the Nuremberg Schembartlauf.
Watercolors of 64 Schembartlaüfe or runners for the years 1449-1539, each with a heraldic device and described on the facing leaf.
Watercolors of 20 floats named Hölle, or Hell: a fire-spitting serpent or dragon (1475, 1507, 1511), a monster, devil or fool devouring children or figures (1508, 1516, 1522), an oven where figures are being burned (1513), a cannon firing a female figure (1514), a rejuvenation fountain (1510), a castle or fortified tower (1493, 1504), also placed on the back of an elephant (1503, 1524), and a ship of fools (1539).
Access: Restricted. Contact Curator of Rare Books for information regarding access.
Provenance: From the collection of the Princes of Liechtenstein; purchased by H.P. Kraus in 1949; purchased by Paul Gourary in 1955.
Binding Note: Bound in vellum leaf possibly from gradual with musical notations and a prayer ("...Magnus dũs ...).
Local Notes: In blue cloth box with gilt lettering on leather piece: Nuremberg / Schembardt / Buch / Illum. M.S. / C. 1540.
Subjects: Carnival --Germany --Nuremberg --Early works to 1800.
Floats --Germany --Nuremberg --Early works to 1800.
Festivals --Germany --Nuremberg --Early works to 1800.
Nuremberg (Germany) --Social life and customs --Early works to 1800.
Topical Collection Title: Festival collection (Getty Research institute)
ID number: 2834-609
Accession #: 2009.M.38
Persistent Link for this Record:

Unbekannt ist der Verbleib der weiteren Schembartbücher auf der Auktion.

Lot 309: NUREMBERG 1449-1539 -- SCHEMBART BOOK, in German, ILLUSTRATED MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER [Nuremberg, c.1540}

2o, 310 x 210mm (12½ x 8½ inches). ii + 88 leaves, foliated 1-87 skipping a leaf between 17 and 18 and including 3 final blanks, 100 pages with text written in a variety of German cursive hands, TWENTY PEN AND INK DRAWINGS OF CARNIVAL FLOATS on text pages and SIXTY-FOUR FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS OF FULL-LENGTH MASKED AND COSTUMED FIGURES in colour, some details in gold and silver leaf (some spotting and staining). Contemporary limp vellum with flap (loose in binding, lacking fore-edge ties, splits at head and foot of flap-fold), brown cloth box with leather lettering-piece. Provenance: Johann Wilhelm Kress von Kressenstein (1589-1658), his engraved armorial bookplate of ?1619 on front endleaf: Princely House of Liechtenstein, engraved armorial bookplate inside upper cover and pencilled shelfmark on front endleaf; purchased from H.P. Kraus 1954.

CONTENT: Individual records for all 64 Schembart carnivals from 1449-1539 over page-openings with illustration on verso and text on the facing recto ff.1-65; extended account of the riotous carnival of 1507 ff.66-67v; list of all the participants in the Lauf of 1532 ff.68-69; descriptive text for 1539 f.70; later 16th-century additions, including the account of the institution of the Schembart Lauf ff.71-73v, repeated entries for the first 63 years it took place ff.73-78, and subsequent events into the 1560s ff.79-84.

Lot 311: NUREMBERG 1449-1539 -- SCHEMBART BOOK, in German, ILLUSTRATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM [Nuremberg, mid-16th century]

2o, 315 x 195mm (12½ x 7½ inches), 62 leaves (lacking 3 leaves), SIXTY-ONE FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS OF FULL-LENGTH MASKED AND COSTUMED FIGURES on versos facing rectos with text written in brown ink in a German cursive hand (spotting and staining, repairs at most of lower and a few outer margins, wormhole in first six leaves). Contemporary quarter blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards, two fore-edge metal clasps and catches (upper joint cracked, leather darkened and scuffed, corners of board chipped, some restoration to binding and endpapers replaced). Provenance: Carl Ley, his stamp on inside of upper cover; purchased from John R. Keating 1976.

CONTENT; Rhyming record of the presentation of the book to the butchers' guild in 1575 by Frantz Cöler, city pawnbroker f.1; account of the events of 1349 ff.2; individual records for 61 of the Schembart carnivals from 1449-1539 over page-openings with illustration of the masked men and coats of arms on the verso and text on the facing recto, lacking one leaf with text for 1485 and illustration for 1488, and two further leaves with text for 1506, text and illustration for 1517 and illustration for 1508, illustrations for 1516 and 1517 transposed ff.2v-62.

THIS HANDSOMELY WRITTEN AND VIGOROUSLY ILLUSTRATED Schembart book appears from the presentation inscription to have been an unredeemed deposit with the city pawnbroker Frantz Coëler. He hoped his gift of the book would be reciprocated by payment, albeit less than he had advanced.

Lot 312: NUREMBERG 1472-1523 -- SCHEMBART BOOK, in German, ILLUSTRATED MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER [Nuremberg, c.1540]
bound with LEOPOLD I, Grant of Arms in favour of Johann Christoph Lempen, in German, ILLUSTRATED MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER, Schloss Pressburg 1688

2o, 305 x 205mm (12 x 8 inches), 36 leaves (of 64), with THIRTY-SIX FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS IN COLOUR SHOWING MASKED AND COSTUMED FIGURES SOME WITH CARNIVAL FLOATS BEHIND THEM on the rectos with the descriptive text for the year in a German cursive hand on facing versos, a 20th-century checklist of years pasted inside front cover (corner lacking and hole in shield on f.36, and small losses from lower edges of two other leaves, some light staining and spotting, 9 leaves with addition of hearts and/or monograms KSR and CS); 8 leaves with grant of nobility and right to bear arms of Johann Christoph Lempen, written in a cursive German hand and authenticated by public notary Iohannes Philippus Leisner and with his engraved impresa and paper seal on final verso, ARMORIAL MINIATURE with Lempen's crested coat of arms between the figures of Justice and Fortitude, beneath a canopy with the imperial arms and against a seascape. 19th-century marbled paper (joint cracking), brown cloth box with leather lettering-piece. Provenance: Princely House of Liechtenstein, shelfmark inside upper cover and bookplate on f.1v; purchased from H.P. Kraus 1955.

Lot 313: NUREMBERG 1446-1539 -- Ein Gesellen Gestech der Adelichen und alten Herkommenden Erbarn und grossen Geschlechtern der Burgern zu Nürnberg, etc in German, ILLUSTRATED MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER [Nuremberg, c.1600]

2o, 50 leaves: thirteen 340 x 220mm (13½ x 8½ inches), remaining thirty-seven leaves 355 x 220mm (14 x 9 inches) except for ff.23-24 (numbered in pencil 10 and 11), twenty-one pages of text written in German cursive hands, nine pages with painted coats of arms, NINE DOUBLE-PAGE SPREADS WITH NUREMBERG PAGEANTS, DANCES OR TOURNAMENTS illustrated in pen and ink and full colour, EIGHT FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS OF MASKED AND COSTUMED FIGURES (occasional spots and light staining, 12 pages with wormtrack or hole in upper right corner). 19th-century paper boards (rubbed, spine defective), red cloth box with leather lettering-piece. Provenance: Princely House of Liechtenstein, engraved armorial bookplate and shelfmark inside upper cover; purchased from H.P. Kraus 1955.

CONTENT: Ein Gesellern Gestech..., an account of the tournament of 28 February 1446 including list of 39 participants ff.1-4v; list of all the Schembart participants of 1503 f.5r&v; account and participants of 1539 Schembart Lauf ff.7-12v; painted coats of arms of the participants of the 1446 Gestech, a joust with blunt lances ff.14-22; illustrations of Nuremberg civic musicians and swordbearers ff.23-24; scenes showing pageants and civic events including the 1539 Schembart Lauf, guild dances and the joust of 1446 ff.25v-42; additional costumes from the Schembart Lauf of 1539 ff.43-50.

Lot 314: NUREMBERG 1449-1603 -- Ein schönne unndt kürtze Cronica alter ergangenen geschichten Insonderhait von der kayselichen Reichstat Nurmberg; SCHEMBART BOOK; Nurmbergische Rahts Wahll, register of officeholders and elected members of the Nuremberg council from 1447-1603, in German, ILLUSTRATED MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER
Nuremberg, 1603

2o, 325 x 195mm (12¾ x 7½ inches), two leaves with pasted-on extensions, one folding out a further 420mm, 440 leaves including 119 blank leaves (foliated 1-439, skipping a leaf after 188) COMPLETE, tables and text written in black ink in cursive German hands, titles and frame-ruling in red, TWENTY-FOUR PAGES PAINTED IN FULL COLOUR SHOWING A CONTINUOUS PROCESSION beneath panels of text, two of these pages with fold-out extensions, SIXTY-FOUR ILLUSTRATIONS OF FULL-LENGTH MASKED AND COSTUMED FIGURES identified by coats of arms and beneath text panels outlining the carnival that year (creasing, tears and some losses from lower edges of ff.179-188 and 283-314, one of the fold-out extensions mostly lacking). Contemporary panelled pigskin stamped in blind, tools including Annunciation, Baptism of Christ, Crucifixion and Resurrection, brass cornerpieces and two fore-edge clasps and catches (rubbing at spine-bands, small leather loss in spine and split at head and foot, lacking one clasp), brown cloth box with leather lettering-piece. Provenance Wilhelm Kress von Kressenstein (1560-1640), engraved armorial bookplate inside upper cover; Princely House of Liechtenstein, their shelfmark on upper paste-down; purchased from H.P. Kraus 1956.

CONTENT: 'A fine and short chronicle of tales of long ago especially about the imperial Reichstadt of Nuremberg, when and where it was given the name, and how it was at first, also of its destruction and reconstruction and what sort of wars it went through, I have briefly assembled and as best I could manage and see I have written', chronicle of Nuremberg from its foundation to 1603 ff.1-224, including an illustrated account of a military procession that came through the city on July 30 1592 ff.178v-188bis; verse chronicle on the origin of the Schembart Lauf ff.281-282, followed by the illustrations and text for the Schembart costumes from 1449-1539 and the float for 1539 ff.283-315; account of events of 1539 ff.316r&v; Nuremberg Rahts Wahll, records of the members elected to the town council 1477-1603 ff.324-335; entries from the register of the Greater and Lesser Councils of Nuremberg recording all those nominated and appointed members and office-holders from 1560-1603 ff.343-381; table with the names of the officers from 1596-1603 ff.418v-422; excerpt from the oath of office to be read in full council ff.430-432. Folios 224v-280v, 317-323v, ff.335v-342v, 381v-418, 422v-429v and 433v-439v blank.

Von den 6 Schembartbüchern gehörten laut Christie's 5 den Fürsten von Liechtenstein. Über seine Ankäufe von den Liechtensteinern schreibt H. P. Kraus in seiner Autobiographie.

Übrigens verwahrt auch die Rosenwald-Collection der Library of Congress ein Schembartbuch:

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