"ABA members should be aware that books bearing the stamp of the Stralsund Gymnasium Bibliothek, with release stamp, may not be quite what they seem. In 2012, several thousand volumes from the Stralsund city archives were sold to an antiques dealer, and subsequently dispersed in the trade. Some of the more notable books, such as a Kepler volume, appeared at auction. It appears that the sale of these books was not legal under the terms of the library's charter but that title was legally transferred in subsequent sales. The library has been buying back some of the books sold. Anyone who has a book bearing the Stralsund library stamp should contact: Dr. Burkhard Kunkel at: burkunkel@web.de"


KlausGraf - am Sonntag, 30. März 2014, 23:51 - Rubrik: English Corner
FeliNo meinte am 2014/03/31 00:43:
Stralsund informiert...
http://www.stralsund.de/shared/Nachrichtenportal/Gymnasialbibliothek/Stralsund informiert hier zum "Stadtarchiv der Hansestadt Stralsund: Chronologie der Ereignisse im Zusammenhang mit dem Schimmelbefall und dem Verkauf der Gymnasialbibliothek"
(letzte Aktualisierung: 25.02.2014)
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