"The Penn Libraries is sad to announce the passing of Lawrence J. Schoenberg, C'53 WG'57, on May 7. A much valued and long-time member of the Libraries' Board of Overseers and Board Chair Emeritus, Larry radically contributed to the holdings of Penn's Special Collections, through his vision and his philanthropy, and he made possible access to their contents internationally. Together with his wife Barbara, Larry created an institutional environment for creative learning and discovery centered on Special Collections in the Digital Age. In 1996, he founded the Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image, which has now digitized and made publicly available over 2,000,000 special collections images. In 2011, the Schoenbergs donated their remarkable collection of over 290 medieval and Renaissance manuscripts to the Libraries. Their gift culminated in the creation of the Schoenberg Institute of Manuscript Studies, housed in the Van-Pelt Dietrich Library Center. The Institute's mission, infused by Larry's imagination and foresight, is to bring medieval manuscripts, modern technology and people together for the advancement of knowledge. In this, Larry Schoenberg will have an enduring legacy and the gratitude of scholars at Penn and around the world." (EXLIBRIS-L)
KlausGraf - am Dienstag, 13. Mai 2014, 20:46 - Rubrik: English Corner