Am 10. Februar hatte ich mir überlegt, dass ich eine für meine eigenen Forschungen nicht relevante Inkunabel der UMich, die sonst nirgends in einer öffentlichen Bibliothek nachgewiesen ist, nachdem das Exemplar der Hofbibliothek Donaueschingen 1994 verscherbelt worden ist
zur kostenlosen Digitalisierung vorschlagen könnte.
Es handelt sich um 22 Blatt.
Ich erhielt sofort eine Bestätigung, dann aber tat sich lange nichts.
Am 22. April kam dann:
"I am sorry for the delay. We did get your request. We have done some IT migrations, and I am
also still waiting to hear back from Special Collections. I will bother them about this again.
Feel free to email me personally about it, if I haven't gotten back to you in a week."
Heute kam:
"I am sorry this took so long to get back to you about. We were trying to sort out if we would be able to scan this item with the collection manager. Unfortunately this item has a tight,fragile binding and will not be able to be scanned in our book scanners.
I have been informed by Special Collection they might be able to provide you with some access to it thru their own duplication services but the images will be poorer quality.
Here is the information about their services- "
Die Bibliothek hat also die Anfrage so lange verzögert, bis die kostenfreie Testperiode des Reproduktions-Service am 31. April abgelaufen war. Jeder einzelne Scan kostet zwischen 25 und 50 Dollar!
zur kostenlosen Digitalisierung vorschlagen könnte.
Es handelt sich um 22 Blatt.
Ich erhielt sofort eine Bestätigung, dann aber tat sich lange nichts.
Am 22. April kam dann:
"I am sorry for the delay. We did get your request. We have done some IT migrations, and I am
also still waiting to hear back from Special Collections. I will bother them about this again.
Feel free to email me personally about it, if I haven't gotten back to you in a week."
Heute kam:
"I am sorry this took so long to get back to you about. We were trying to sort out if we would be able to scan this item with the collection manager. Unfortunately this item has a tight,fragile binding and will not be able to be scanned in our book scanners.
I have been informed by Special Collection they might be able to provide you with some access to it thru their own duplication services but the images will be poorer quality.
Here is the information about their services- "
Die Bibliothek hat also die Anfrage so lange verzögert, bis die kostenfreie Testperiode des Reproduktions-Service am 31. April abgelaufen war. Jeder einzelne Scan kostet zwischen 25 und 50 Dollar!
KlausGraf - am Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2014, 21:37 - Rubrik: Digitale Bibliotheken