English Corner
The portrait was sold to benefit the museum's acquisition fund at the 2013 Old Masters sale at Sotheby's.

The portrait was sold to benefit the museum's acquisition fund at the 2013 Old Masters sale at Sotheby's.

KlausGraf - am Donnerstag, 2. April 2015, 17:01 - Rubrik: English Corner
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"The manor roll collection consists of 170 court-rolls, account-rolls, and other documents from various manors, ranging in date from 1282 to 1770."


KlausGraf - am Mittwoch, 1. April 2015, 17:26 - Rubrik: English Corner
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"In a bid for fair copyright laws that will benefit citizens and researchers across Europe organisations including the Wellcome Trust, the National Library of Scotland, the National Library of Wales, the Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals, Royal Museums Greenwich and the Open Rights Group have called for much needed reforms. "
Suggestion for a tweet:
"Tweet your support and spread the word: We need #faircopyright across Europe. Show your support: London Manifesto www.cilip.org.uk/londonmanifesto "
Suggestion for a tweet:
"Tweet your support and spread the word: We need #faircopyright across Europe. Show your support: London Manifesto www.cilip.org.uk/londonmanifesto "
KlausGraf - am Mittwoch, 1. April 2015, 16:52 - Rubrik: English Corner
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KlausGraf - am Dienstag, 31. März 2015, 22:48 - Rubrik: English Corner
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"In total, there are more than 4 million images in the Commons. The collection has been viewed more than 1.3 billion times and the Flickr community has added 53 million tags, 1.5 million faves, and 220,000 comments."

"In total, there are more than 4 million images in the Commons. The collection has been viewed more than 1.3 billion times and the Flickr community has added 53 million tags, 1.5 million faves, and 220,000 comments."

KlausGraf - am Montag, 30. März 2015, 18:02 - Rubrik: English Corner
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"The exhibition 'Ingenious Impressions: the coming of the book' is now up
and running at the Hunterian Art Gallery at the University of Glasgow.
This exhibition showcases 64 of the 1000+ incunabula found in the
University's Special Collections, tracing their development from
manuscript to print and their 500 years of ownership history. Based on
the research of a nearly completed five year project to catalogue the
books in detail (http://www.gla.ac.uk/services/incunabula/) this is a
rare opportunity for books from our Special Collections to be on public
display. It's a feast for bibliophiles, so do visit if you are in
For more info on what's on show and exhibition opening times etc, see:
See also our project blog:
https://universityofglasgowlibrary.wordpress.com/tag/incunabula/ "

and running at the Hunterian Art Gallery at the University of Glasgow.
This exhibition showcases 64 of the 1000+ incunabula found in the
University's Special Collections, tracing their development from
manuscript to print and their 500 years of ownership history. Based on
the research of a nearly completed five year project to catalogue the
books in detail (http://www.gla.ac.uk/services/incunabula/) this is a
rare opportunity for books from our Special Collections to be on public
display. It's a feast for bibliophiles, so do visit if you are in
For more info on what's on show and exhibition opening times etc, see:
See also our project blog:
https://universityofglasgowlibrary.wordpress.com/tag/incunabula/ "

KlausGraf - am Montag, 30. März 2015, 17:47 - Rubrik: English Corner
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Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. 67, No. 4 (Winter 2014), pp. 1337-1340
http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/679809 (toll access)
"Most revealing is Bredekamp’s contribution: his refusal to recognize his own methodological failure is not only saddening, but also counterproductive. To put it bluntly, as has been done in the German press: if one of the world’s foremost art historians is incapable of seeing the difference between a 1610 drawing by Galileo and a 2005 forgery, what does that say about art history (or art historians)? [...]
Are we, then, at a methodological impasse, where forgeries are unidentifiable?
The answer is a definite no. As the volume shows, what matters is the right approach. Nicholas Pickwoad, a new addition to the group, shows in his illuminating and characteristically brilliant chapter on the book’s structure that this analysis alone would have been sufficient to cast deep doubt on SNML’s authenticity. We now have a clear methodological directive: analyze bindings first, as this is where mistakes are most visible to the trained eye. It’s a short-term solution, though, that will disappear once the knowledge gap between binders and Pickwoad diminishes."
See also
http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/679809 (toll access)
"Most revealing is Bredekamp’s contribution: his refusal to recognize his own methodological failure is not only saddening, but also counterproductive. To put it bluntly, as has been done in the German press: if one of the world’s foremost art historians is incapable of seeing the difference between a 1610 drawing by Galileo and a 2005 forgery, what does that say about art history (or art historians)? [...]
Are we, then, at a methodological impasse, where forgeries are unidentifiable?
The answer is a definite no. As the volume shows, what matters is the right approach. Nicholas Pickwoad, a new addition to the group, shows in his illuminating and characteristically brilliant chapter on the book’s structure that this analysis alone would have been sufficient to cast deep doubt on SNML’s authenticity. We now have a clear methodological directive: analyze bindings first, as this is where mistakes are most visible to the trained eye. It’s a short-term solution, though, that will disappear once the knowledge gap between binders and Pickwoad diminishes."
See also
KlausGraf - am Sonntag, 29. März 2015, 23:43 - Rubrik: English Corner
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KlausGraf - am Dienstag, 24. März 2015, 16:53 - Rubrik: English Corner
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Ross Mounce: "I have written a practical guide on 'How to Block Readcube and Why' to explain how to get the direct, one-click link to the real PDF back again (by disabling JavaScript on site). Please share this with friends if you know they are similarly inconvenienced by this issue:
I have also cross-posted to The Winnower, at which you can download a copy of this post in PDF format to enable easy offline sharing with others:
https://thewinnower.com/papers/how-to-block-readcube-and-why "
I have also cross-posted to The Winnower, at which you can download a copy of this post in PDF format to enable easy offline sharing with others:
https://thewinnower.com/papers/how-to-block-readcube-and-why "
KlausGraf - am Donnerstag, 19. März 2015, 23:38 - Rubrik: English Corner
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On Wednesday 11 March 2015, the UN Special Rapporteur in the field of Cultural Rights will present a thematic report to the 28^th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/CulturalRights/Pages/impactofintellectualproperty.aspx regarding copyright policy in the context of cultural rights.
The international library and archive community welcomes the report that examines copyright from a critical but often neglected perspective: the human dimension.
This report emphasises human knowledge as a global public good and recommends that States should guard against promoting the privatization of knowledge to an extent that deprives individuals of opportunities to take part in cultural life and enjoy the fruits of scientific progress.
In cooperation with key strategic partners, IFLA has crafted a statement of support for the report—now signed by 10+ organisations from the international library and archive community.
·Read the full statement http://www.ifla.org/files/assets/clm/statements/global-library-and-archives-community-welcomes-new-report-from-un.pdf [PDF]
SOURCE: http://www.ifla.org/node/9455 (INETBIB)
The international library and archive community welcomes the report that examines copyright from a critical but often neglected perspective: the human dimension.
This report emphasises human knowledge as a global public good and recommends that States should guard against promoting the privatization of knowledge to an extent that deprives individuals of opportunities to take part in cultural life and enjoy the fruits of scientific progress.
In cooperation with key strategic partners, IFLA has crafted a statement of support for the report—now signed by 10+ organisations from the international library and archive community.
·Read the full statement http://www.ifla.org/files/assets/clm/statements/global-library-and-archives-community-welcomes-new-report-from-un.pdf [PDF]
SOURCE: http://www.ifla.org/node/9455 (INETBIB)
KlausGraf - am Donnerstag, 12. März 2015, 18:10 - Rubrik: English Corner
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