2014 für 122.500 Pfund versteigert.
HENNEBERGER, Johann Joachim (fl.1673-1707), Ein Thiier Vögel, Fisch and Bluomen Buoch, von Under Schidliche, was Ich hab in Nathuren und Gemaldt Noch Zumahlen bekommen Kenden, Durch Mich Johan Joachim Heneberger, Mahler in Wissentaig, So gesschehen und verferdiget ist Worden, den 5 April Anno 1673, in German, DECORATED MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER, Wiesensteig, 1673.
290 x 182mm. 244 numbered (of apparently 250, at least 4 missing leaves are probably blank), versos blank, comprising: title-page with pictorial border, a total of 211 leaves with watercolour drawings of the natural world with identifying caption and 4 leaves of manuscript index (title with large tear but with very minor loss to only one letter, the whole title backed, title and first 3 leaves on guards, leaf 63 with large tear with old repair to verso without loss, light variable browning, spotting and soiling.) Contemporary vellum over bevelled wooden boards, early 19th-century reback in black leather tooled in gilt gilt edges (lacking clasps, extremities rubbed, more heavily to corners, covers lightly soiled).
AN EXCEPTIONAL SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY MANUSCRIPT COMPENDIUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. The manuscript comprises approx. 275 zoological subjects on 89 leaves, 350 birds on 77 leaves, 30 reptiles, fish and crustacea, 54 entomological and 94 botanical depictions and 6 flower arrangements. Unlike other natural history compilations of the time, Henneberger's is not only a record of his own surroundings but a compendium of exotic and mythical beasts and plants as well. He includes camels from Arabia, unicorns 'from' India, a panther from Asia and Africa, a beast from America, a 'Babenbab' from the Sinai desert, dragons and griffons. Among the birds are falcons, eagles and other birds of prey, one depicted tethered on a gloved arm, and 'Indian' turkeys. As he states on the title-page, his intention is to provide an artistic record of subjects from nature. The layout and composition of the zoological and ornithological images echoes that of the great 17th-century printed natural histories, such as the works of Aldrovandus (1606-1645) and Willughby's Ornithology (1676). Some of the images are more whimsical and naive than those printed works, and although they in part hark back to an earlier artistic tradition, in other areas Henneberger was obviously in tune with the times: six of his floral compositions are placed within vases in the great 17th-century tradition, and the other botanical illustrations are reminiscent of De Bry's Florilegium novum (1612-1614). Henneberger himself was originally from Geislingen, and painted the wooden ceiling of the Stiftskirche in Wiesensteig. He died there on 18 June 1707.
Henneberger (meist: Hennenberger) schuf die Illustrationen des Rechbergischen Stammbüchleins 1679 oder 1681:
Er entstammte einer Geislinger Künstlerfamilie, über die im 16. Jahrhundert der Katalog Die Renaissance im deutschen Südwesten 2 (1986), S. 935 unterrichtet.
AKL LXXI, 2011, 520 (von Germaid Ruck) ist nicht sehr umfangreich:
Hans Joachim, III, Maler, †18.7.1707 Wiesensteig. Viell. gleichnamiger Sohn von 6 und Enkel von 8,
der die Decke der Stiftsk. ebd. bemalt (später ersetzt). H. gilt auch als Autor der Darst. aller Rechbergischen Schlösser im Rechbergischen Stammbüchlein von 1679 im Schloß Donzdorf.

2014 für 122.500 Pfund versteigert.
HENNEBERGER, Johann Joachim (fl.1673-1707), Ein Thiier Vögel, Fisch and Bluomen Buoch, von Under Schidliche, was Ich hab in Nathuren und Gemaldt Noch Zumahlen bekommen Kenden, Durch Mich Johan Joachim Heneberger, Mahler in Wissentaig, So gesschehen und verferdiget ist Worden, den 5 April Anno 1673, in German, DECORATED MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER, Wiesensteig, 1673.
290 x 182mm. 244 numbered (of apparently 250, at least 4 missing leaves are probably blank), versos blank, comprising: title-page with pictorial border, a total of 211 leaves with watercolour drawings of the natural world with identifying caption and 4 leaves of manuscript index (title with large tear but with very minor loss to only one letter, the whole title backed, title and first 3 leaves on guards, leaf 63 with large tear with old repair to verso without loss, light variable browning, spotting and soiling.) Contemporary vellum over bevelled wooden boards, early 19th-century reback in black leather tooled in gilt gilt edges (lacking clasps, extremities rubbed, more heavily to corners, covers lightly soiled).
AN EXCEPTIONAL SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY MANUSCRIPT COMPENDIUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. The manuscript comprises approx. 275 zoological subjects on 89 leaves, 350 birds on 77 leaves, 30 reptiles, fish and crustacea, 54 entomological and 94 botanical depictions and 6 flower arrangements. Unlike other natural history compilations of the time, Henneberger's is not only a record of his own surroundings but a compendium of exotic and mythical beasts and plants as well. He includes camels from Arabia, unicorns 'from' India, a panther from Asia and Africa, a beast from America, a 'Babenbab' from the Sinai desert, dragons and griffons. Among the birds are falcons, eagles and other birds of prey, one depicted tethered on a gloved arm, and 'Indian' turkeys. As he states on the title-page, his intention is to provide an artistic record of subjects from nature. The layout and composition of the zoological and ornithological images echoes that of the great 17th-century printed natural histories, such as the works of Aldrovandus (1606-1645) and Willughby's Ornithology (1676). Some of the images are more whimsical and naive than those printed works, and although they in part hark back to an earlier artistic tradition, in other areas Henneberger was obviously in tune with the times: six of his floral compositions are placed within vases in the great 17th-century tradition, and the other botanical illustrations are reminiscent of De Bry's Florilegium novum (1612-1614). Henneberger himself was originally from Geislingen, and painted the wooden ceiling of the Stiftskirche in Wiesensteig. He died there on 18 June 1707.
Henneberger (meist: Hennenberger) schuf die Illustrationen des Rechbergischen Stammbüchleins 1679 oder 1681:
Er entstammte einer Geislinger Künstlerfamilie, über die im 16. Jahrhundert der Katalog Die Renaissance im deutschen Südwesten 2 (1986), S. 935 unterrichtet.
AKL LXXI, 2011, 520 (von Germaid Ruck) ist nicht sehr umfangreich:
Hans Joachim, III, Maler, †18.7.1707 Wiesensteig. Viell. gleichnamiger Sohn von 6 und Enkel von 8,
der die Decke der Stiftsk. ebd. bemalt (später ersetzt). H. gilt auch als Autor der Darst. aller Rechbergischen Schlösser im Rechbergischen Stammbüchlein von 1679 im Schloß Donzdorf.

KlausGraf - am Sonntag, 2. August 2015, 18:33 - Rubrik: Kodikologie