In the early 1980's, our library--the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library--microfilmed the medieval manuscript codex collection at HAStK. We have microfilm copies of about 1300 to 1400 manuscripts in black and white, as well as hundreds of selections from manuscripts in color. What is beyond description, however, is the vast amount of material that is currently buried at HAStK. In keeping with our mission of microfilming or photographing manuscript books, we did not do any archival documents or later manuscript collections--the vast amount of material that was in the library. (Matthew Z. Heintzelman, Curator, Austria/Germany Study Center; Rare Book Cataloger Hill Museum & Manuscript Library Saint John's University Collegeville, Minnesota 56321-7300 in EXLIBRIS)
Update zu:
Beispiel eines Datenbankeintrags:
Manuscript Details
Institution: HMML
Source: 36001
Collection: Germany
City: Köln
Library: Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln
Shelf Mark: HAStK 7002 1
Manuscript Folio: 173 f.
Notes: Hs. GB f˚
Manuscript Part
Part Number: I
Part Folio: 173 f.
Date: 15th century
Year Month Day: 1456
Manuscript Text
Text Folio: 173 f.
Author: Ambrosius
Language(s): Latin
Manuscript Text
Text Folio: 173 f.
Author: (Ps.)-Augustinus
Language(s): Latin
Manuscript Text
Text Folio: 173 f.
Supplied Title: Disputatio et pauperis
Language(s): Latin
Manuscript Text
Text Folio: 173 f.
Supplied Title: Epistolae Senecae et Pauli
Language(s): Latin
Image Captions
Image Folio: 134v
Image Folio: 1r
Über 300 Initialen aus Handschriften des Stadtarchivs werden mit der Suche nach Köln Archiv in der Image Search gefunden und sind online.

Update zu:
Beispiel eines Datenbankeintrags:
Manuscript Details
Institution: HMML
Source: 36001
Collection: Germany
City: Köln
Library: Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln
Shelf Mark: HAStK 7002 1
Manuscript Folio: 173 f.
Notes: Hs. GB f˚
Manuscript Part
Part Number: I
Part Folio: 173 f.
Date: 15th century
Year Month Day: 1456
Manuscript Text
Text Folio: 173 f.
Author: Ambrosius
Language(s): Latin
Manuscript Text
Text Folio: 173 f.
Author: (Ps.)-Augustinus
Language(s): Latin
Manuscript Text
Text Folio: 173 f.
Supplied Title: Disputatio et pauperis
Language(s): Latin
Manuscript Text
Text Folio: 173 f.
Supplied Title: Epistolae Senecae et Pauli
Language(s): Latin
Image Captions
Image Folio: 134v
Image Folio: 1r
Über 300 Initialen aus Handschriften des Stadtarchivs werden mit der Suche nach Köln Archiv in der Image Search gefunden und sind online.
KlausGraf - am Donnerstag, 5. März 2009, 21:42 - Rubrik: Kommunalarchive