Auf dem neuesten Stand (27.2.) ist die Liste der Archivschule. Nicht vermerkt ist die im "Archivar" erschienene Ausschreibung für die Leitung der künftigen Archivverwaltung NRW.
KlausGraf - am Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2003, 13:13 - Rubrik: Personalia
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Die neu gestaltete Homepage bietet erfreulicherweise die Möglichkeit, die Beiträge der Sächsischen Archivtage von Chemnitz 2000 (Kooperation und fachlicher Austausch) und Aue 2001(Grenzüberschreitende böhmisch-sächsische Beziehungen und ihre Wiederspiegelung im Archivwesen und in der Landesgeschichte) im Volltext als PDF-Dateien abzurufen. 2000 hebe ich hervor einen Werkstattbericht zum Thema Archive und Schulen (Stadtarchiv Memmingen). Aus dem auch landesgeschichtlich interessanten Band 2001 verdient überregionales Interesse der Aufsatz über Quellen zur deutschen Wissenschaftsgeschichte in Prager Archiven.
KlausGraf - am Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2003, 12:53 - Rubrik: Staatsarchive
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Wie vielseitig: Reimanns Schwerpunkte in Forschung und Lehre liegen im kommunalen und privaten Archivwesen sowie in den Bereichen der Archivorganisation und des Archivmanagements, liest man in der Pressemitteilung über die neue Ehrung für Westfäl. Archivamtsleiter Dr. Reimann. Andere Archivare arbeiten auch schon mal über etwas Historisches ...
KlausGraf - am Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2003, 04:23 - Rubrik: Personalia
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Die Aufarbeitung des Nachlasses von dem Mindener Verleger Max Bruns (1876-1945) durch die Archivarin Anne Kathrin Rowedder schreitet voran. Mittlerweile könnten im Internet Informationen über den Bestand des Nachlasses, der im Kommunalarchiv aufbewahrt wird, abgerufen werden, wird aus Minden gemeldet. Sehr viel ist dort aber nicht eingestellt ...
KlausGraf - am Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2003, 04:13 - Rubrik: Kommunalarchive
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Saddam soon will be history, writes Martin Kramer in his Weblog about the Middle East. It's important that the United States collect and preserve as much of it as possible. I refer to the vast archives of the various arms of the Iraqi regime: the presidency of the republic, the Baath Party, the Republican Guard, the intelligence and security organizations, the ministries of foreign affairs and information, and more. If the United States establishes a military authority to run the country, it should do what the Western allies did in occupied Germany: collect and collate the archives of the enemy.
KlausGraf - am Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2003, 03:47 - Rubrik: English Corner
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The U.S. National Archives and Records Administraton (NARA) has launched a tool for cross-archive searching, Access to Archival Databases (AAD). AAD can search across 50 million online records created by more than 20 federal agencies. [via FOS News]
KlausGraf - am Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2003, 03:19 - Rubrik: English Corner
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NEW BRAUNFELS — The German nobles who helped finance early German settlements in Texas had a secret plan to establish a foothold and then break free of the Republic of Texas, according to a German prince [...]. Prince Johannes von Sachsen-Altenburg, Duke of Saxony, discovered the plan to create a German state in Texas among documents in family archives in Germany, Russia and France.
KlausGraf - am Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2003, 03:09 - Rubrik: English Corner
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British Columbia Historical Photographs Online contains annotated links to online historical photograph databases and galleries mounted on archival web sites in British Columbia (Canada).
KlausGraf - am Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2003, 02:58 - Rubrik: English Corner
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It will be held 9-11 April. The schedule can be found here.
The workshop will cover the entire process of database preservation: selection, appraisal, preservation, description, and access. Technical solutions will occupy an important place in the workshop and archival requirements will also be addressed.
The workshop will cover the entire process of database preservation: selection, appraisal, preservation, description, and access. Technical solutions will occupy an important place in the workshop and archival requirements will also be addressed.
KlausGraf - am Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2003, 02:51 - Rubrik: English Corner
Excerpt of an answer to a question about copyright in archival practice (from the Archives Listserv):
Some suggestions:
Michael Les Benedict, "Historians and the Continuing
Controversy over Fair Use of Unpublished Manuscript
Materials," The American Historical Review, 91 (1986),
Kenneth D. Crews, "Fair Use of Unpublished Works:
Burdens of Proof and the Integrity of Copyright,"
Arizona State Law Journal, 31 (1999), 2-93 (the notes
in this article are very useful)
Tomas A. Lipinski, ed., Libraries, Museums, and
Archives: Legal Issues and Ethical Challenges in the
New Information Era (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press,
2002). There is an article by Crews, and several
others that might be helpful.
I can add an important online resource which has disappeared from the net but is still in the Google cache: Peter Hirtle, Unpublished materials, new technologies, and copyright: facilitating scholarly use.
Some suggestions:
Michael Les Benedict, "Historians and the Continuing
Controversy over Fair Use of Unpublished Manuscript
Materials," The American Historical Review, 91 (1986),
Kenneth D. Crews, "Fair Use of Unpublished Works:
Burdens of Proof and the Integrity of Copyright,"
Arizona State Law Journal, 31 (1999), 2-93 (the notes
in this article are very useful)
Tomas A. Lipinski, ed., Libraries, Museums, and
Archives: Legal Issues and Ethical Challenges in the
New Information Era (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press,
2002). There is an article by Crews, and several
others that might be helpful.
I can add an important online resource which has disappeared from the net but is still in the Google cache: Peter Hirtle, Unpublished materials, new technologies, and copyright: facilitating scholarly use.
KlausGraf - am Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2003, 02:41 - Rubrik: English Corner
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HURRY UP! The Online Petition about the State Library of Florida closing ends February, 28! Read more about the case here.
KlausGraf - am Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2003, 01:40 - Rubrik: English Corner
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